[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 18:44:40 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
she glanced at the young lady from Kalos, having been randomly assigned to partner with her. despite the lingering rowdiness of the bar, she was ready to get back to the tournament. "Yuki" she calls her Froslass to set the stage "Hail."

the snowstorm immediately was called, a small flurry to drift across the stage. the Froslass' Snow Cloak activated as a result. the two young men they were battling had a Pikachu and a Riolu as targets.

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (pending)
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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 18:56:42 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
Oh. The one she hit on back then. That had seemed like a good idea at the time. Haha.

Yeah, probably best to avoid eye-contact for the time being. Instead, Eve swiftly went to work, calling out her dear Ghastly, creating a front of undeath on their end of the stage. Sadly though, Ghastly immediately shivered slightly, ducking away from the hail.

That did make Eve glance towards that person. Was Ms. Burke mad? It wasn’t all too common to start a battle with a random partner by starting up a weather move. Especially not if one didn’t even know if the other person had an ice type.
Which Eve did not. Ugh. She sighed, briefly. Apparently, Eve would just have to make the most of it. “Confuse Ray on that Riolu,” she ordered, hoping to at least disorient the fighting. Those were kind of annoying for ghosts such as theirs, after all. And that auburn-haired youth with the red scarf looked like the aggressive type to begin with. Could probably be goaded into something.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused (pending)
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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:08:54 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
the Pikachu would dart forward with a Volt Tackle, aiming at the Ghastly. "Protect" Siobhan orders quickly, the Froslass moving in front of the other ghost to put up a wall of defense.

the Riolu would aim a Force Palm against the shield, but the Protect held strong. "go for the Riolu" she suggests to Evette "I'll take the Pikachu." 

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (pending)

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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:19:45 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
Well, at least she was playing with team spirit. Those commands were relatively neutral and to the point, which might have meaning or not. She wouldn’t know. But for the time being, Eve took what she could get.
The Pikachu, meanwhile, went first and almost hit her Ghastly. However, it was protected. And in return, it stared right into the Confuse Ray, receiving, well, a confusion. That was what it got for rushing right into it, when it was actually aimed at another.

Riolu in the meantime though, had managed to close its eyes. It had fallen back momentarily now, but it clearly was not confused. “Well, let’s keep it between the two of you then, Ghastly. Mean Look and prepare to evade,” she ordered, trying to keep the Riolu from coming to the confused Pikachu’s aid that way.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
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[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:24:30 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
Siobhan had no reservations against Evette. to think she would feel flustered or awkward around the young woman now was foolish. it had been one of those nights, they all drank a bit too much. she had her own demons to worry about without wondering.

"Blizzard" she calls out, focusing entirely on the battle. the Pikachu shot forward with another Volt Tackle, managing to inflict some damage on her Froslass before the move was done. an ice cold storm came from the ghost.

and effectively Froze the Pikachu in their tracks. "now!" Siobhan calls out to Evette "let's take it down while it cannot move!" 

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:32:47 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
Well, that was going somewhat smoothly. The Mean Look kept the Riolu from going towards the Pikachu and helping it, which was more than useful. The confusion did not appear to deter the other Pokemon much, but it did not strictly speaking have to. After all, Ghastly had one important advantage here: it could simply outrange the other. The little fighting type kept dashing for it, but Ghastly would just fly overhead, left to right, back and forth, mostly just toying with the other.

Then, from the side, came a command. A quick glance revealed that the other had managed to freeze the Pikachu right in its tracks. Good, good. “You heard the lady. Sucker Punch it while it can’t dodge!” The order was clear and the little ball of ghostly gas struck through the sky, right towards the electric rodent, all but head-butting it in the process. Then again, when you were but a disembodied head, that was pretty much all you did. Meanwhile, the Riolu was left behind, evidently confused even without being hit by the move.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
- inflict flinch (pending)
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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:37:42 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
the Sucker Punch would hit true, dealing more damage before the Pikachu could attack. thankfully the Frozen status worked to their advantage. the Riolu would try to shake out of Confusion and attack, going for the Froslass.

it aimed a Force Palm at the ghost, who giggled eerily when the attack did not hit. the typing made the Riolu gasp as its fist went through the Froslass. Yuki would lean forward, using Draining Kiss.

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:46:18 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

Ah, wonderful. Ghastly hit and disengaged before the Pikachu, frozen and flinching, could even retaliate. That likely hurt quite a bit. But it wasn’t quite down yet, so Eve decided to go in once more. “Lick it then, that should overload it’s sensory inputs,” she called out, but Ghastly only looked at her in confusion. She probably shouldn’t be so technical about it all.

“Just lick it and it will be fine,” she clarified, so Ghastly grinned and went to work, while Froslass took care of Riolu for the time being. For an odd couple like them, they were working reasonably well together, really. Being all, well, tag-teaming the opponents.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
- inflict flinch
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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 19:56:12 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"Shadow Ball."

Froslass darted back as the Riolu looked both confused and flustered by the Draining Kiss. before it had a chance to respond, the sphere of darkness shot toward it. the Riolu was down for the count. it did not get back up.

"only the Pikachu left" she murmurs as Evette focused on it. the Ghastly was doing it's best, so she held her Froslass back and waited for Evette to finish it off.

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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February second
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 20:04:08 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
Since the Riolu was closer to her part of the trainer area, she saw it fall from the corner of her eye. Good. That meant there was only one enemy left. And Ghastly, naturally, was showboating around. The dizzied Pikachu saw the ghost fly circles around it for a bit, instead of just being licked. But that was just how that one worked. Eve had not exactly managed to train that trait out of it, really.

Then again, she had not really tried. It was kind of fun. It made her smile. And it was also kind of a tactical error. Well, in a way. The issue really lied with her. When Ghastly finally did go in to lick the Pikachu and get it wet, that did not end up too well. Ghastly really should have figured out ahead of time what it was putting in its mouth. Because even though the Pikachu shuddered from the lick, it’s static struck right back at Ghastly, which was momentarily shocked already. Which the trainer then capitalized on by having the Pikachu Thundershock the ghost.
Eve’s eyes briefly widened, but she did notice that Ghastly was making a bit of a show out of fainting, so she figured that it would be fine. “Sorry about that,” she told her partner, though.

Ah, wonderful. Ghastly hit and disengaged before the Pikachu, frozen and flinching, could even retaliate. That likely hurt quite a bit. But it wasn’t quite down yet, so Eve decided to go in once more. “Lick it then, that should overload it’s sensory inputs,” she called out, but Ghastly only looked at her in confusion. She probably shouldn’t be so technical about it all.

“Just lick it and it will be fine,” she clarified, so Ghastly grinned and went to work, while Froslass took care of Riolu for the time being. For an odd couple like them, they were working reasonably well together, really. Being all, well, tag-teaming the opponents.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
- inflict flinch
- get paralyzed
- 1 faint
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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 20:09:21 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
while the Ghastly was being electrocuted, Siobhan would plan accordingly. "Shadow Ball again." the energy shot toward the Pikachu, who was too busy dealing with the other ghost.

combined with the damage already done to it, and the shaking off of the frozen status... well, it did not stand a chance. "no worries" Siobhan would say to Evette breezily, waving it off.

the Pikachu would also faint. they were declared the winners. the blue haired woman would recall her Pokémon from the battle. "let's get a drink" she suggests "a non-alcoholic one." was that a thin, amused smile?

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (pending)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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February second
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 20:29:07 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
She called Ghastly back. It did feel kind of odd to do that, yet not having lost at all yet. In fact, it did seem like they were actually winning still. But Ghastly would definitely need a rest. Maybe it would learn to not be as theatrical next time. And maybe she would learn to not discount potential Pokemon abilities, really. Types she had down, attacks mostly too, but abilities were so Pokemon specific that she still forgot many.

Eve sighed. Then, she watched her partner finish this. Maybe she should just help Ghastly learn some ranged attack. That would probably be helpful. “I guess,” she replied, suppressing the urge to scratch her neck, just like mother had taught her. The arm almost raised a bit, but she had that down still. One nervous tick that she’d been almost brutally trained to never show. “I will pay then, since you won this for us.” That was the least she could do, for jeopardizing an almost certain victory, after all.
It just felt right that way, so she gave a faint smile in return.

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
- inflict flinch
- get paralyzed
- 1 faint

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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 21:36:42 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"if you insist."

Siobhan would glance around, noticing the Kalosian drink stand this time. seeing as her battle partner was indeed from Kalos - if she did not mistake the accent - she would appreciate a treat from home.

"do you have recommendations?" the blue haired woman asked Evette, pointing at the various Kalosian treats.

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (complete)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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February second
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Evette Moreau
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2021 21:56:14 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar
Heh. It was a bit odd, but she had actually never gone for stands like this. After all, if she wanted a taste of home, she would simply cook one of the recipes for herself. But she had never had ‘Kalosian for foreigners’ so to speak. She wondered if this would taste just like she was used to.

Probably not. After all, her family had always been rather well-off and prided itself in being ‘exquisite’ of sorts. Whatever they had on sale here, judging by the prices, would never have made it into her household.
Still though, it should be roughly the same. “Well, since you want something without alcohol, I would suggest the blueberry-apple mix. It is something you do not exactly see often here. Tastes a bit like the Pyukumuku juice from Alola. Though that is only named after the Pokemon, not gained from it. Fortunately.”

- Participate in tag battle
- inflict confused
- inflict flinch
- get paralyzed
- 1 faint
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siobhan burke
[H✩T] siobhan & evette vs NPCs
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 0:00:53 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
"that does sound delicious" Siobhan comments, ordering a recyclable plastic cup of it "thank you, Evette." she adds as the vendor prepares her order. part of the reason she liked events like this was for the foreign delicacies.

Siobhan had only ever been to Johto, Galar and now Hoenn. there would be time to try Hoennian delicacies. she had her share of Galarian and Johtotian. Kalos was the next stop after all this war ended.

5 BP - participate in a tag battle (complete)
5 BP - use weather changing move or ability (complete)
5 BP - inflict frozen (complete)

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